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Adoption Matters, Guardianship Matters, Uncontested Matrimonial Matters and Divorce Mediation.

Adoptions:  An adoptive parent herself, Lynn Baronti, Esq. is the mother of two beautiful children born in the United States through Private Placement Adoption.  As a result of the personal knowledge and experience of being an "adoptive parent/client", it is with great empathy that Lynn approaches all adoption matters with an extra degree of caring and enthusiasm.  In addition to private placement adoptions throughout the United States, Lynn also handles Step-Parent Adoptions, Re-Adoptions of International Adoptions, Agency Finalizations.  In addition, Lynn has further experience in representing the biological mother/father in the termination of parental rights in Private Placement Adoptions. And finally, this firm represents persons in Guardianship Matters for people with disabilities or mental incapacities, or in need of Temporary Guardianships or Stand-by Guardianships.


Divorce Mediation for Couples willing to come to the table together to hash out their divorce settlement and reasonably follow the rules of compromise  and respect while understanding the legal process and rules of Equitable Distribution, Child Support and Spousal Maintenance where applicable.  The mediation attorney's duty is to fully inform both parties of the laws and of their rights, and does not represent either party individually.  Should the case become "contested", it is the duty of the attorney to recuse herself/himself, and either refer each party to a litigator, or to simply withdraw from the representation of both parties.


Uncontested Divorces:  Either as part of the Divorce Mediation as discussed above, or individually representing only one party in an Uncontested Divorce in order to negotiate a settlement between the party represented and the divorcing spouse's attorney.

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